A few things I've been doing to my site recently...
Reflections on Deuteronomy 24:14,15
First chance to blog in a while...
Just discovered comics by RSS...
It's never enough...
Private life of a web site bot.
Continuing my thoughts on J.E Resolution 10...
Well, not exactly toothache. Last time I was at the dentist...
To shave or not to shave, that is the question:
I had to reboot my computer today...
When I'm away from my computer, sometimes it would be really useful to be able to access it. I've only got a dial-up connection...
Something my dad said about forgiveness in his epilogue on camp...
After two weeks holiday in Wales followed by Aber conference, I'm back to work again. Or should I say back to anything but work...
My paid work is pretty dull, but occasionally there is the satisfaction of doing a nice bit of coding...
what I've been up to over the past few days
New version of CodeExporter, ironing out the first bug I've found in ages, so it's probably pretty mature now, and has helped me out lots already.
"As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you...
Everyone who is anyone has a blog these days, so it's about time I had one too...
Added fractals page to site.
Kio-Sword version 0.1 release, first proper public release. The source tarball and a Debian package are available on the download page.