I got a new computer, and switched Linux distribution too...
Supposing a friend of yours is going on holiday, and he comes to you the day before he leaves and asks you to look after his mobile phone (for some reason he couldn't take it with him). You'd conclude...
GMail invitations up for grabs, and whines about living with other people's code
“Christ died sufficiently for all, efficiently (or efficaciously) for some”. I’m afraid I fail to get any real meaning out of this, no matter how hard I try, except if I use an idea of sufficiency which is many miles from the what I believe about Christ’s death. The only logical conclusion I can get from this statement is “Christ death was sufficient for no one’s salvation.” – insufficient for all. Now let me explain.
Being predictable is often seen as a negative thing. Yet predictability is tied up with what it is to be truly known by someone, and this extends even to God...
'My King' or 'The Seven Way King' is a famous 'psalm' (that's the best word I can find to describe it) about Jesus Christ, by Dr S.M. Lockridge. I've been able to find two main versions of this on the net and other places, and lots of variants in the transcripts, so I thought I'd put up the results of my own searches, and audio files I've encoded or collected...
A wonderful tool for Linux developers
Nevermind the mail functions, it's the 1 Gb storage space that's useful - experimenting with GMailFS.
I found this in the instruction manual of my new iron, and it had me laughing out loud: WARNING: Never steam iron the garment you are currently wearing. Hilarious!
Ditching Internet Explorer is your moral duty...
CSS signature added to this site, rants about font sizes and 'www.'
Microsoft up to one of their usual tricks...
I'm now getting into proper working life for the first time in a good while...
First day at my new job today, and I'm having some issues returning to using Windows...
As promised, some words about my changing understanding or Romans 7...
Thoughts on Romans 8:13: "If you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live"
I join Brad in `refusing to blog politics `_...
In response to comments on my previous post, about how to get hits
Going up in terms of friends, Google, and employment...
I like poetry that manages to use long words naturally...