Remembering the "Don't Repeat Yourself" mantra, the following apps would be awesome...
I wrote a quick Django application to help me develop compliant web sites, and put it together so it's easy to distribute...
I've implemented a module that provides protection against Cross Site Request Forgeries for Django - and as always with both Python and Django, I've got that "surely it can't be that easy" feeling...
Hilarious quotation from Scott Adams...
Just discovered the Django web development framework, and I think I'm in love...
How to create a chroot and run X applications from it, side by side with windows from your normal system.
Fixed the Kio-Sword package for Debian Sarge
Goodbye blogosphere! I'm off to read a good book :-)
I do not doubt that blogging can and does satisfy several (good) desires and needs that humans have, including the need to communicate and interact with others and the desire to learn new things. My problem is this: does blogging do these things as well as other means?
One of the problems with all internet journalism is how easy it is to get involved...
...As I see it, the sad truth is that the Christian sector of the blogosphere has a fairly mixed witness to the rest of the world...
I'm currently installing SimplyMEPIS on my old machine. And using it to blog at the same time...
It's very satisfying when a feature you programmed is finally tested...
My broadband internet connection has held up for a month now..
Konqueror has an awful lot of hidden features...
It really bugged me that there was no iTunes for Linux, and despite searching high and low, there is no decent alternative that works on Linux - a simple way of buying a single track online. Until now...
Updated Debian package, plus an update on my TODO list for this project
I've become more and more skeptical about the usefulness of blogging and the blogosphere, especially from a Christian perspective. This will be the first in a series of posts that will criticise blogging :-) ...
Having lacked IE on my home PC for a few weeks, and now got it back again, I came to ask myself -- can you do any serious web development on a Linux platform?
Finally got round to getting Win4Lin working, with a few hassles...