The Windows dos box (command prompt) sucks in many ways in comparison to an xterm (and I'm not even including 'command' vs 'bash' here). But if you have emacs you can make it suck a little bit less. "M-x shell" gets you shell mode, and you can select text etc, and use emacs keybindings for editing your commands etc.
A rant about how annoying programming in C# is, really.
Get Internet Explorer 7 :-)
An attempt to explain monads and their usefulness in Haskell, assuming only some simple knowledge of Python.
Paul Graham was right again...
An attempt to debunk some of the '20 minute web app' hype that is so prevalent at the moment, and present a more realistic and balanced account of the Django site I have just finished.
Saw this gem by 'anonymous' on django-updates...
Boring post about backing up tools in KDE
A quick way to do a "View Source" in Konqueror without launching an external editor
I've noticed in Python and in Django I almost always create a module or a template by starting with a completely empty file, and typing...
I fixed my blog comments so that leading whitespace is now preserved – making it much more friendly to posted Python code.
Using pychecker and pylint on Django – and each other...
Here is a not-too-awful hack to make the admin give different 'add/change' forms depending on who is using it.
Ever been refactoring code or HTML templates and wanted to compare two chunks of text? This is what you need if you use KDE...
I discovered `wajig `_ for Debian, and it's great...
A friend at work showed a rather good tool for viewing filesystem usage, called WinDirStat. It did seem to have the edge on the KDE program I used for this purpose - Filelight. Then I discovered that it was a clone of...a KDE program!
Are the Google Talk servers finally talking to other Jabber Servers? I got an IM from my alter ego today...
New version of Kio-Sword released, after a little gap!
I've somehow managed to get 'subscriber' level on's music community site, and I'm really enjoying it.
I've released some small updates to my 'Django validator app' and 'CsrfMiddleware'...