Got DB access working
I've decided I want to rewrite my current blog software in Haskell...
Help! The old 'HaWiki' Haskell wiki has disappeared...
I have been more and more impressed with Wine recently...
I'm trying to use Haskell for a database app, and, as usual for Haskell, I'm finding the lack of decent documentation a real pain...
A personal analysis of Beryl's usefulness.
A combination of bugs in KDE/Samba/Feisty makes the simple task of configuring Samba to share a folder (in this case to share it with myself, for the benefit of some virtual machines) much harder than it ought to have been
My results on the O'Reilly's code quiz...
Why Haskell's 'Maybe' totally pwns Python's 'None' and null pointers.
This was a badly written attempt at satirising moral relativism, which I've decided to remove.
I spent an unprofitable afternoon trying to get a new wireless USB adapter to work under Ubuntu Edgy, but Feisty did the trick beautifully.
A simple creationist response to the supposed evidence for common ancestry from fusion in human chromosome 2.
I've updated my `validator app `_ to latest Django trunk and finally done a release.
More adventures in not having my computer with me...
Amarok now automates installation of MP3 support if it isn't available.
I finally got around to uploading Kio-Sword to Sourceforge
Kio-Sword 0.3 released
I'm currently without internet connection to my own computer, and I've been working out ways to make send and receiving e-mail as seamless as possible...
VMWare/VMPlayer issues.
Attempts to use Haskell+ODBC under Windows.