According to their deeds

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The consistent teaching of the Bible with regards to judgement day is that we will be judged and receive our eternal reward on the basis of what we have done...This does not mean that salvation is by works...

A plea to KDE developers

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In short: don't touch my data with alpha-quality software like Akonadi, and start working on things people actually want instead of grandiose schemes that have failed.

Haskell regex problem - help needed!

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I need some help! I did someone a good deed on a blog the other day, so I'm swallowing my pride and asking for a random kind deed from someone who knows something...

Haskell API docs suck. A lot.

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Haskell API documentation is very lacking for newbies. For instance, I want to understand how to do create and use regexes...

Haskell Blog Rewrite - Session 7

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I am really stubborn, so I never completely gave up on my little pet project of re-writing my blog as a Haskell CGI app. I also didn't give up on using my budget host. (Partly because I have even less money than before). So, the saga continues...