A plea to KDE developers

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In short: don't touch my data with alpha-quality software like Akonadi, and start working on things people actually want instead of grandiose schemes that have failed.

Haskell regex problem - help needed!

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I need some help! I did someone a good deed on a blog the other day, so I'm swallowing my pride and asking for a random kind deed from someone who knows something...

Haskell API docs suck. A lot.

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Haskell API documentation is very lacking for newbies. For instance, I want to understand how to do create and use regexes...

Haskell Blog Rewrite - Session 7

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I am really stubborn, so I never completely gave up on my little pet project of re-writing my blog as a Haskell CGI app. I also didn't give up on using my budget host. (Partly because I have even less money than before). So, the saga continues...

Django, Python 2.5 and memory usage

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After reading that in Python 2.5 some big memory leaks are fixed, I just switched a Django site from Python 2.4 to Python 2.5. I wasn't disappointed -- the combined memory usage of my Apache processes (which are using mod_python) went from 100Mb to 60Mb. So, for anyone else wanted to conserve memory, this is the first thing I'd suggest!