An example of why dynamic typing in a statically typed language can be painful
A repost of a classic that is no longer available at its original location.
With examples from the web development world especially PHP, and lessons for Pythonistas
Notes to self on how (not) to convince people.
I switched my site/blog to blogofile and disqus, sorry for any incovenience for feed readers.
A response to "Things you should test" by Noah Sussman.
Django's CBVs are complex, unpythonic solutions to simple problems, (IMHO :-), here's why.
I've probably written lots of blog posts on this, so I can't claim 'x' = 1, and I've no idea what 'y' is...
A nice tool developed by a friend of mine.
I launched my new Django Bible memorization site,
TimeCult works well, and I wrote a script for converting KTimeTracker files.
How to do logging calls to Sentry asynchronously (until Sentry gets UDP support).
Some tips for keeping your Django apps lean and mean from the beginning, using lessons from django-fiber,
A quickstart for deploying a Django project to a shared hosting system like WebFaction.
O gods of software development and operations, I have sinned. Your anger falls on me, and I feel your wrath...
Announcing django-easyfilters, a new library for Django, and a bit of heretical editorial about Django's ORM.
A quick Family Fortunes game
First part of a series of posts that attempt to explain Python by the dissection method.
My bash prompt, including git/hg branch name.
Writing good quality documentation for the software libraries you publish always matters. Otherwise, you are doing the world a disservice by publishing.