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I like poetry that manages to use long words naturally. One example is Charles Wesley's great hymn “Let earth and heaven combine”, which has these two lines:

Our God contracted to a span
Incomprehensibly made man

If you can get it to rhyme too, lots of bonus points. These two lines from “My funny valentine” (which also has the appeal of being one of the rudest love songs ever written) have been going round my head:

Your looks are laughable,

And then there is this verse from Flanders and Swann's “The Honeysuckle and the Bindweed”, whose rhymes and unique rhythym are so wonderful that I have to quote it in full:

Said the left handed honeysuckle
To the right handed bindweed
“Oh, let us get married
If our parents don't mind. We'd
Be loving and inseparable
And inextricably intwined, we'd
Live happily ever after.”
Said the honeysuckle to the bindweed

The following is one of many physics limericks I enjoy, this one by Kay R. Devicci:

My sister likes doing ceramics
My brother likes lying in hammocks
But I get my kicks
From all the neat tricks
In quantum electrodynamics

Now for an attempt at something original - another limerick, with a rather long meter:

There was young lady whose first name was Sally
Whose dress sense was such that her friends called her scally
Since she could not mend it
She decided to end it

Hmm. That was pretty atrocious. It neither scans nor rhymes correctly. Maybe I was being a bit ambitious.

This is my personal blog, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of my clients, my employer or my church.

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