Emacs and personal trac wiki

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I've blogged before about using trac as a personal wiki, and that has been working very well for me.

But of course the day would was bound to come when using the text box in a web browser was just too painful. I want to use emacs to edit the text, and do so painlessly.

Of course, I should have realised before that someone else would have already done the hard work:


It has a few dependencies, as you might expect, and I also had to patch xml-rpc.el because I'm using Emacs 23 (the author of trac-wiki.el, Shun-ichi GOTO, helpfully pointed me in the right direction), but it's now working beautifully.

It allows you edit wiki pages directly in Emacs, and much more: it's got syntax highlighting, completion of page names, history and diff modes etc., with key bindings and integration for everything you might want.

A few little Python XML-RPC scripts later, and I can convert this post (written in my wiki, using Emacs, of course) into HTML ready for posting on my blog).

This is my personal blog, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of my clients, my employer or my church.

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