Christ the True and Better Frodo

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Inspired by our family conversation at our meal time tonight — we have three boys who are already big Lord of the Rings fans — I decided to put ChatGPT to some edifying use.

I want you to rewrite the following song, Christ the True and Better Adam, by Matt Boswell / Matt Papa / Keith Getty, which compares Jesus to Old Testament figures. I want a new version which compares instead to characters from Lord of the Rings. It should include references to the different things they did, and how Christ is the better version of them. It's important to keep the lyrics in the same meter, so it could be sung to the original tune. Here is the original song:

Christ, the true and better Adam
Son of God and Son of man
Who, when tempted in the garden
Never yielded, never sinned
He, who makes the many righteous
Brings us back to life again
Dying, He reversed the curse, then
Rising, crushed the serpent's head

Christ, the true and better Isaac
Humble son of sacrifice
Who would climb the fearful mountain
There to offer up his life
Laid with faith upon the altar
Father's joy and only son
There salvation was provided
Oh, what full and boundless love

Amen! Amen!
From beginning to end
Christ the story, His the glory
Alleluia! Amen!

Christ, the true and better Moses
Called to lead a people home
Standing bold to earthly powers
God's great glory to be known
With his arms stretched wide to heaven
See the waters part in two
See the veil is torn forever
Cleansed with blood we pass now through

Amen! Amen!
From beginning to end
Christ the story, His the glory
Alleluia! Amen!

Christ, the true and better David
Lowly shepherd, mighty king
He the champion in the battle
Where, o death, is now thy sting?
In our place He bled and conquered
Crown Him Lord of majesty
His shall be the throne forever
We shall e'er His people be

Amen! Amen!
From beginning to end
Christ the story, His the glory
Alleluia! Amen!

Here's your rewritten version comparing Christ to characters from The Lord of the Rings, keeping the same meter so it can be sung to the original tune.

Christ, the true and better Frodo
Bore the burden none could bear
Left His home to face the darkness
Took the cross to end despair
Through the fire of tribulation
Passed alone to win the fight
Crushed the power of the darkness
Bringing us into the light

Christ, the true and better Aragorn
He, the long-expected King
Left His throne to seek the hopeless
Now we rise at His redeeming
From the paths of death He called us
Broke the curse, renewed the land
By His hand we reign in glory
In His kingdom e'er to stand

Amen! Amen!
From beginning to end
Christ the story, His the glory
Alleluia! Amen!

Christ, the true and better Gandalf
Came to break the prison's seal
Faced the shadow, fell in darkness
Rose again, the doom repealed
Leading forth a ransomed people
Bringing hope where all seemed lost
By His wisdom, by His power
Every fear and foe is crushed

Christ, the true and better Samwise
Faithful till the journey’s end
Took our burden, bore it for us
Loved beyond what we could send
At our weakest, He sustains us
Never turning from the way
At His side we reach the homeland
Ever in His light to stay

Amen! Amen!
From beginning to end
Christ the story, His the glory
Alleluia! Amen!

Honestly, I think it pretty much nailed it. It exactly captures the way the original song works, and the better you know the LOTR stories the more you appreciate some of the details. Even the scanning is better than I hoped - there are just a couple of places that would need fixing if you wanted to sing this.

I particularly liked the verse about Samwise, which I wasn’t expecting — the other characters have more obvious parallels to draw on — and at points it’s really quite touching. ChatGPT presumably is drawing on a large and wonderful corpus of hymnody that helps shape its output, but it’s done a pretty good job of pulling all that together.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!


Some fixes I would make:

  • v2 Instead of “Left His throne to seek the hopeless / Now we rise at His redeeming” which doesn’t fit the story of Aragorn and also doesn’t scan, maybe something like:

    Passed the test and claimed his birthright
    Proved by hands that healing bring


    Tested, tried and proven worthy,
    Known by hands that healing bring
  • v4 Instead of “Loved beyond what we could send” which doesn’t exactly make sense, I would put:

    Well deserves the name of Friend!
  • v1 My wife points out that Frodo doesn’t really conquer, he stumbles at the end, where Christ did not. I don’t know how to fix that.

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