I've written A Look at Python, Parameterized on the Toptal blog – a look at how, in Python, you can replace 6+ design patterns with one concept.
Toptal’s version has various formatting issues, and has incorrectly changed some of the images, so I’ve included my original article below.
In this post I'm going to talk about what I consider to be the most important technique or pattern in producing clean, Pythonic code — namely parameterisation. This post is for you if:
You are relatively new to the whole design patterns thing, and perhaps a bit bewildered by long lists of pattern names and class diagrams. The good news is there is really only one design pattern that you absolutely must know for Python. Even better - you most probably know it already, but perhaps not all the ways it can be applied.
You have come to Python from another OOP language such as Java or C#, and want to know how to apply design patterns from that language in Python.
For these reasons this post will start with some very simple examples, but progress to more advanced topics.
The simplest case
For most of our examples we'll use the instructional standard library turtle module for doing some graphics.
Here is some code that will draw a 100x100 square using turtle
from turtle import Turtle turtle = Turtle() for i in range(0, 4): turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90)
Suppose we now want to draw a different size square. A very junior programmer at this point would be tempted to copy and paste this block and modify. Obviously, a much better method would be to first extract the square drawing code into a function:
from turtle import Turtle turtle = Turtle() def draw_square(): for i in range(0, 4): turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) draw_square()
And then, we pull out the size of the square as parameter:
So we can now draw squares of any size using draw_square
. That's all there
is to the essential technique of parameterisation, and we've just seen the first
main usage — eliminating copy-paste programming.
An immediate issue with the code above is that draw_square
depends on a
global variable turtle
. This has lots of bad consequences, and
there are two easy ways we can fix it. The first would be for draw_square
create the Turtle
instance itself (which I'll discuss later), which might
not be desirable if we want to use a single Turtle
for all our drawing. The
other is to simply use parameterisation again to make turtle
a parameter to
from turtle import Turtle def draw_square(turtle, size): for i in range(0, 4): turtle.forward(size) turtle.left(90) turtle = Turtle() draw_square(turtle, 100)
This has a fancy name - dependency injection. It simply means that if
a function needs some kind of object to do its work, like draw_square
a Turtle
, the caller is responsible for passing that object in as a
So far we've dealt with two very basic usages. The key observation for the rest of this article is that in Python, there is a large range of things that can become parameters — more than in some other languages — and this makes it a very powerful technique.
Anything that is an object
In Python you can use this technique to parameterise anything that is an object, and in Python most things you come across are in fact objects. This includes:
instances of builtin types - like the string
"I'm a string"
and the integer42
, or a dictionary.instances of other types and classes e.g. a
object.functions and methods
builtin types and custom classes.
The last two are the ones that are the most surprising, especially if you are coming from other languages.
Functions as parameters
Let's tackle functions first. The function statement in Python does two things:
It creates a function object.
It creates a name in the local scope that points at that object.
We can play with these objects in a REPL:
>>> def foo(): ... return "Hello from foo" >>> >>> foo() 'Hello from foo' >>> print(foo) <function foo at 0x7fc233d706a8> >>> type(foo) <class 'function'> >>> foo.__name__ 'foo'
And just like all objects, we can assign functions to other variables:
Note that bar
is another name for the same object, so it has the same
internal __name__
property as before:
But the crucial point is that because functions are just objects, anywhere you see a function being used, it could be a parameter.
So, suppose we extend our square drawing function above, and now, sometimes when we draw squares we want to pause at each corner:
import time def draw_square(turtle, size): for i in range(0, 4): turtle.forward(size) time.sleep(5) turtle.left(90)
But sometimes we don't want to pause. The simplest way to achieve this would be to add a pause parameter, perhaps with a default of zero so that by default we don't pause.
However, we later discover that sometimes we actually want to do something
completely different at the corners. Perhaps we want to draw another shape at
each corner, or change the pen colour etc. We might be tempted to add lots more
parameters, one for each thing we need to do. However, a much nicer solution
would be to allow any function to be passed in as the action to take. For a
default, we'll make a function that does nothing. We'll also make this function
accept the local turtle
and size
parameters, in case they are required.
def do_nothing(turtle, size): pass def draw_square(turtle, size, at_corner=do_nothing): for i in range(0, 4): turtle.forward(size) at_corner(turtle, size) turtle.left(90) def pause(turtle, size): time.sleep(5) turtle = Turtle() draw_square(turtle, 100, at_corner=pause)
Or, we could do something a bit cooler like recursively draw smaller squares at each corner:
def smaller_square(turtle, size): if size < 10: return draw_square(turtle, size / 2, at_corner=smaller_square) draw_square(turtle, 128, at_corner=smaller_square)

There are of course variations on this. In many examples, the return value of the function would be used. Here we have a more imperative style of programming, and the function is called only for its side-effects.
In other languages...
Having first class functions in Python makes this very easy. In languages that lack them, or some statically typed languages that require type signatures for parameters, this can be harder.
How would we do this if we had no first class functions?
One method would be to turn draw_square
into a class, SquareDrawer
class SquareDrawer: def __init__(self, size): self.size = size def draw(self, t): for i in range(0, 4): t.forward(self.size) self.at_corner(t, size) t.left(90) def at_corner(self, t, size): pass
Now we can subclass SquareDrawer
and add an at_corner
method that does
what we need.
This pattern is known as the template method pattern. A base class defines the shape of the whole operation or algorithm, and the variant portions of the operation are put into methods that need to be implemented by sub-classes.
While this pattern may sometimes be helpful in Python, pulling out the variant code into a function that is simply passed as a parameter is often going to be much simpler.
A second way we might approach this problem in languages without first class functions is to wrap our functions up as methods inside classes, like this:
class DoNothing: def run(self, turtle, size): pass def draw_square(turtle, size, at_corner=DoNothing()): for i in range(0, 4): turtle.forward(size) at_corner.run(turtle, size) t.left(90) class Pauser: def run(self, turtle, size): time.sleep(5) draw_square(turtle, 100, at_corner=Pauser())
This is known as the strategy pattern. Again, this is certainly a valid pattern to use in Python, especially if the strategy class actually has not just one but a set of related functions. However, often all we really need is a function and we can stop writing classes.
Other callables
In the examples above, I've talked about passing functions into other functions as parameters. However, everything I wrote was in fact true of any callable object. Functions are the simplest example, but we can also consider methods.
Suppose we have a list foo
now has a whole bunch of methods attached to it, such as .append()
and .count()
. These “bound methods” can be passed around and used like
In addition to these instance methods, there other types of callable objects — class staticmethods and classmethods, instances of classes that implement __call__, and classes/types themselves.
Classes as parameters
In Python, classes are “first class” - they are run-time objects just like dicts and strings etc. This might seem even more strange than functions being objects, but thankfully it is actually easier to demonstrate this fact than for functions.
The class statement you are familiar with is a nice way of creating classes, but it isn't the only way — we can also use the 3 argument version of type. The following two statements do exactly the same thing:
In the second version, note the two things we just did (which are done more conveniently using the class statement):
On the right hand side of the equals sign, we created a new class, with an internal name of
. This is the name that you will get back if you doFoo.__name__
.With the assignment, we then created a name in the current scope,
, which refers to that class object we just created.
We made the same observations for what the function statement does.
The key insight here is that classes are objects that can be assigned names (i.e. can be put in a variable). Anywhere that you see a class in use, you are actually just seeing a variable in use. And if it's a variable, it can be a parameter.
We can break that down into a number of uses:
Classes are factories
A class is a callable object that creates an instance of itself:
And as an object it can be assigned to other variables:
Going back to our turtle example above, one problem with using turtles for
drawing is that the position and orientation of the drawing depends on the
current position and orientation of the turtle, and it can also leave it in a
different state which might be unhelpful for the caller, which we might not
want. To solve this, our draw_square
function could create its own turtle,
move it to the desired position and then draw a square.
def draw_square(x, y, size): turtle = Turtle() turtle.penup() # Don't draw while moving to the start position turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pendown() for i in range(0, 4): turtle.forward(size) turtle.left(90)
However, we now have a customisation problem. Suppose the caller wanted to set some attributes of the turtle, or use a different kind of turtle that has the same interface but has some special customisation?
We could solve this with dependency injection, like we had before — the caller
would be responsible for setting up the Turtle
object. But what if our
function sometimes needs to make many turtles for different drawing purposes -
or if perhaps it wants to kick off 4 threads each with its own turtle to draw
one side of the square? The answer is simply to make the Turtle
class a
parameter to the function. We can use a keyword argument with a default value,
so that client code that doesn't care just uses the default:
def draw_square(x, y, size, make_turtle=Turtle): turtle = make_turtle() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pendown() for i in range(0, 4): turtle.forward(size) turtle.left(90)
To use this, we could write a make_turtle
function that creates a turtle and
modifies it. Suppose we want to hide the turtle when drawing squares:
def make_hidden_turtle(): turtle = Turtle() turtle.hideturtle() return turtle draw_square(5, 10, 20, make_turtle=make_hidden_turtle)
Or we could subclass Turtle to make that behavior built-in, and pass the subclass as the parameter:
class HiddenTurtle(Turtle): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.hideturtle() draw_square(5, 10, 20, make_turtle=HiddenTurtle)
In other languages...
Several other OOP languages like Java and C# lack first class classes. To
instantiate a class, you have to use the new
keyword followed by an actual
class name.
This limitation is the reason for patterns like abstract factory (which requires the creation of a set of classes whose only job is to instantiate other classes) and the Factory Method pattern. As you can see, in Python it is just a matter of pulling out the class as a parameter, because a class is its own factory.
Classes as base classes
Suppose we find ourselves creating sub-classes to add the same feature to
different classes. For example, to use our example above, we want a Turtle
subclass that will write out to a log when it is created:
import logging logger = logging.getLogger() class LoggingTurtle(Turtle): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) logger.debug("Turtle got created")
But then, we find ourselves doing exactly the same thing with another class:
class LoggingHippo(Hippo): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) logger.debug("Hippo got created")
The only things varying between these two are:
The base class
The name of the sub-class - but we don't really care about that and could generate it automatically from the base class
attribute.The name used inside the
call — but again we could generate this from the base class name.
Faced with two very similar bits of code with only one variant, what can we do?
Just like in our very first example - we create a function and pull out the
variant part as a parameter. The only thing you need to realize is that in the
class statements above, Turtle
and Hippo
are just variables that happen
to refer to class objects. So we can do this:
def make_logging_class(cls): class LoggingThing(cls): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) logger.debug("{0} got created".format(cls.__name__)) cls.__name__ = "Logging{0}".format(cls.__name__) return cls LoggingTurtle = make_logging_class(Turtle) LoggingHippo = make_logging_class(Hippo)
Here we have a demonstration of first class classes:
We passed a class into a function - giving the parameter a conventional name
to avoid the clash with keywordclass
(you will also seeclass_
used for this purpose).Inside the function we made a new class
We returned that class as the return value of the function.
We also set cls.__name__
which is entirely optional but can help with
Another application of this technique is when we have a whole bunch of features that we sometimes want to add to a class, and we might want to add various combinations of these features. Manually creating all the different combinations we need could get very unwieldy.
In languages where classes are created at compile-time rather than run-time, this isn't possible. Instead, you have to use the decorator pattern. That pattern may be useful sometimes in Python, but mostly you can just use the technique above.
Normally, I actually avoid creating lots of subclasses for customising. Usually there are simpler and more Pythonic methods that don't involve classes at all. But this technique is available if you need it. See also Brandon Rhodes full treatment of the decorator pattern in Python.
Classes as exceptions
Another place you see classes being used is in the except
clause of a
try/except/finally statement. No surprises for guessing that we can parameterise
those classes too.
For example, the following code implements a very generic strategy of attempting an action that could fail, and retrying with exponential backoff until a maximum number of attempts is reached:
import time def retry_with_backoff(action, exceptions_to_catch, max_attempts=10, attempts_so_far=0): try: return action() except exceptions_to_catch: attempts_so_far += 1 if attempts_so_far >= max_attempts: raise else: time.sleep(attempts_so_far ** 2) return retry_with_backoff(action, exceptions_to_catch, attempts_so_far=attempts_so_far, max_attempts=max_attempts)
We have pulled out both the action to take and the exceptions to catch as
parameters. exceptions_to_catch
can be either a single class, such as
or httplib.client.HTTPConnectionError
, or a tuple of such
classes. (We want to avoid bare excepts or even except Exception
this is known to hide other programming errors).
Parameterisation is a powerful technique for re-using code and reducing code duplication. It is not without some drawbacks. In the pursuit of code re-use, several problems often surface:
Overly generic or abstracted code that becomes very difficult to understand.
Code with a proliferation of parameters that obscures the big picture, or introduces bugs because in reality only certain combinations of parameters are properly tested.
Unhelpful coupling of different parts of the code base because their 'common code' has been factored out into a single place. Sometimes code in two places is similar only accidentally, and the two places should be independent from each other because they may need to change independently.
Sometimes a bit of 'duplicated' code is far better than these problems, so use this technique with care.
In this post we've covered design patterns known as dependency injection, strategy, template method, abstract factory, factory method and decorator. In Python, many of these simply turn out to be a simple application of parameterisation, or are made unnecessary by the fact that parameters in Python can be callable objects or classes. Hopefully this helps to lighten the conceptual load of “things you are supposed to know as a real programmer”, and enable you to write concise, Pythonic code.
Further reading: