Category: Rants
Super-fast Sphinx docs, and SNOB driven development
Code that will make your static doc pages seriously faster, that you seriously don’t need
No one actually wants simplicity
We think we do, but in fact every web developer will happily sacrifice simplicity to the first shiny thing promising them relief from the mildest of ailments.
Leaving KDE
After being a loyal fan of KDE for a long time, I've just left...
Linux and calendars - bad combination...
There doesn't appear to be any way for a Linux user to get a local calendar app to inter-operate with Google or other devices.
A plea to KDE developers
In short: don't touch my data with alpha-quality software like Akonadi, and start working on things people actually want instead of grandiose schemes that have failed.
Amarok 2 can corrupt MP3 files
Amarok 2 is not my favourite application at the moment...
Gutsy woes
I upgraded to Gutsy RC last week, and I've really had nothing but trouble, and submitted lots of bugs...
Facebook broken in Konqueror
At the end of the day, contrary to what many web developers and browser writers would like you to believe, quality and standards compliance mean nothing. The only thing that matters is market share.
HSQL and HaskellDB anguish
I'm trying to use Haskell for a database app, and, as usual for Haskell, I'm finding the lack of decent documentation a real pain...
Edgy, Feisty, and Pheenet WLU-703Z
I spent an unprofitable afternoon trying to get a new wireless USB adapter to work under Ubuntu Edgy, but Feisty did the trick beautifully.
Why learning Haskell/Python makes you a worse programmer
A rant about how annoying programming in C# is, really.
Irregular Expressions
Microsoft up to one of their usual tricks...