Category: KDE

Leaving KDE

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After being a loyal fan of KDE for a long time, I've just left...

A plea to KDE developers

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In short: don't touch my data with alpha-quality software like Akonadi, and start working on things people actually want instead of grandiose schemes that have failed.

Gutsy woes

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I upgraded to Gutsy RC last week, and I've really had nothing but trouble, and submitted lots of bugs...

Facebook broken in Konqueror

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At the end of the day, contrary to what many web developers and browser writers would like you to believe, quality and standards compliance mean nothing. The only thing that matters is market share.

Configuring Samba in KDE, with Kubuntu Feisty

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A combination of bugs in KDE/Samba/Feisty makes the simple task of configuring Samba to share a folder (in this case to share it with myself, for the benefit of some virtual machines) much harder than it ought to have been

bacKing up

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Boring post about backing up tools in KDE

View Source in Konqueror

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A quick way to do a "View Source" in Konqueror without launching an external editor


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A friend at work showed a rather good tool for viewing filesystem usage, called WinDirStat. It did seem to have the edge on the KDE program I used for this purpose - Filelight. Then I discovered that it was a clone of...a KDE program!