Category: KDE
KTimeTracker replacement - TimeCult
TimeCult works well, and I wrote a script for converting KTimeTracker files.
Leaving KDE
After being a loyal fan of KDE for a long time, I've just left...
Linux and calendars - bad combination...
There doesn't appear to be any way for a Linux user to get a local calendar app to inter-operate with Google or other devices.
Blackberry Curve ↔ KDE-PIM sync on Kubuntu Karmic. FAIL
Complete fail for KDE-PIM/Linux/msynctool and Blackberry Curve.
A plea to KDE developers
In short: don't touch my data with alpha-quality software like Akonadi, and start working on things people actually want instead of grandiose schemes that have failed.
Amarok 2 can corrupt MP3 files
Amarok 2 is not my favourite application at the moment...
Konsole/Yakuake and drag/drop
You can drag and drop files onto a Konsole (or Yakuake) terminal session, and it works...
Personal wiki and desktop integration
Some tools to help organise your computer and files.
Gutsy woes
I upgraded to Gutsy RC last week, and I've really had nothing but trouble, and submitted lots of bugs...
Fixing Facebook in Konqueror
Facebook is broken in Konqueror, but here is the work around...
Facebook broken in Konqueror
At the end of the day, contrary to what many web developers and browser writers would like you to believe, quality and standards compliance mean nothing. The only thing that matters is market share., Konqueror, Amarok
How to use streams in Amarok
Beryl usefulness
A personal analysis of Beryl's usefulness.
Configuring Samba in KDE, with Kubuntu Feisty
A combination of bugs in KDE/Samba/Feisty makes the simple task of configuring Samba to share a folder (in this case to share it with myself, for the benefit of some virtual machines) much harder than it ought to have been
Amarok / Ubuntu integration
Amarok now automates installation of MP3 support if it isn't available.
Kio-Sword 0.3 released
Kio-Sword 0.3 released
bacKing up
Boring post about backing up tools in KDE
View Source in Konqueror
A quick way to do a "View Source" in Konqueror without launching an external editor
Clipboard diff
Ever been refactoring code or HTML templates and wanted to compare two chunks of text? This is what you need if you use KDE...
A friend at work showed a rather good tool for viewing filesystem usage, called WinDirStat. It did seem to have the edge on the KDE program I used for this purpose - Filelight. Then I discovered that it was a clone of...a KDE program!
Kio-Sword 0.2 released
New version of Kio-Sword released, after a little gap!
Konqueror incremental search
Konqueror has an awful lot of hidden features...
More Ubuntu experiences
I thought it might be useful to add a bit more about how it's going with Ubuntu...
Back to Debian - with Ubuntu this time
Having messed up my Mandrake installation (kind of), I decided to have a fling with Ubuntu...
New computer, new OS
I got a new computer, and switched Linux distribution too...
Kompare - a tool of beauty
A wonderful tool for Linux developers