LIFE 2002 - talks

monday 28th jan

See College events for details.

lunchtime talks

Speaker: Ian Hamilton

1:15 - 1:50 pm. Lunch provided from 12:45.

tuesday 29 jan


The Word of Life

Why should I trust the Bible?

wednesday 30 jan

Arts School

Jesus said:

"I am the way the truth & the life"

What about other religions?

thursday 31 jan


"Life's not fair!"

Why does God allow suffering?

evening talks

Speaker: Mike Cain

8:00 - 9:00 pm. With free drinks and cakes from 7:30pm

friday 01 feb


New Life

Without Jesus we're dead

saturday 02 feb


Eternal Life

Jesus enables us to know God

sunday 03 feb


Choose life

Your destiny is in Jesus' hands