Category: Haskell
We need less powerful languages
We need languages and systems that are less powerful, not more powerful, and easy ways to create and use such languages.
You can’t compare language features, only languages
Why I think we need the context of a language to have meaningful debate about language features.
Translating sentences with substitutions
Some ideas about solving translation problems with computer generated text.
Dynamic typing in a statically typed language
An example of why dynamic typing in a statically typed language can be painful
Is static type checking a redundant testing mechanism?
Based on my recent Haskell experience, I highlight some cases where I think static type checks provide a better testing mechanism than unit tests or other automated tests.
Haskell blog software
I finally finished a non-trivial Haskell project!
Building GHC is fun...
The title is ironic...
Haskell string support
This is my suggestion about what needs to go into the Haskell Platform...
GHC bug?
Is this a bizarre GHC bug? Or a bug in me?
Haskell regex problem - help needed!
I need some help! I did someone a good deed on a blog the other day, so I'm swallowing my pride and asking for a random kind deed from someone who knows something...
Beginnings of a Django-inspired Haskell web framework, Ella.
Haskell API docs suck. A lot.
Haskell API documentation is very lacking for newbies. For instance, I want to understand how to do create and use regexes...
Haskell Regex replace
Haskell Regex replace, anyone?
Haskell Blog Rewrite - Session 7
I am really stubborn, so I never completely gave up on my little pet project of re-writing my blog as a Haskell CGI app. I also didn't give up on using my budget host. (Partly because I have even less money than before). So, the saga continues...
Haskell Blog Rewrite - Session 6
Where I give up...
Implementing a dictionary using first class functions
I'm going to demonstrate using functions to build dictionaries in Haskell, requiring only normal functions and the 'Maybe' data type...
Haskell Blog Rewrite - Session 5 - 2007-07-20
Struggles with database...
Haskell Blog Rewrite - Session 4 - 2007-07-19
Get HaskellDB working
Haskell Blog Rewrite - Session 2 - 2007-07-06
Got DB access working
Rewriting my blog in Haskell
I've decided I want to rewrite my current blog software in Haskell...
HaWiki has disappeared!
Help! The old 'HaWiki' Haskell wiki has disappeared...
HSQL and HaskellDB anguish
I'm trying to use Haskell for a database app, and, as usual for Haskell, I'm finding the lack of decent documentation a real pain...
O'Reilly code quiz
My results on the O'Reilly's code quiz...
Null pointers vs None vs Maybe
Why Haskell's 'Maybe' totally pwns Python's 'None' and null pointers.
Adventures in Haskell - ODBC under Windows
Attempts to use Haskell+ODBC under Windows.
Why learning Haskell/Python makes you a worse programmer
A rant about how annoying programming in C# is, really.
Understanding Monads Via Python List Comprehensions
An attempt to explain monads and their usefulness in Haskell, assuming only some simple knowledge of Python.